Park Districts Adopt Dark Sky Lighting Practices

Recently, the Geneva and Naperville Park District Boards voted unanimously to adopt sustainable outdoor lighting practices. Both resolutions encourage outdoor lighting practices including those recommended by DarkSky International.

Naperville Park District Board member, Leslie Ruffing told DarkSky Chicago that “The Sustainable Outdoor Lighting Resolution is the result of the Park District Board and staff working together to further our commitment to promoting sustainable initiatives. Protecting our nighttime skies benefits the wildlife, plants, and even human health, while conserving energy and resources. I’m proud of these efforts, and I encourage fellow park districts, forest preserves, and municipalities to explore the many benefits of preserving our natural dark skies.”  

The number of Park Districts that have adopted formal dark sky friendly resolutions now number four. Glen Ellyn’s and then Wheaton’s Boards previously adopted resolutions. The Glen Ellyn Park District has one of only two DarkSky International certified sports facilities in the country and its new Frank Johnson Center has dark sky compliant outdoor lighting.

DarkSky Chicago is optimistic that Glen Ellyn will install only dark sky compliant outdoor lighting for the planned new downtown park/plaza. Glen Ellyn Park District’s Director of Planning and Natural Resources, Nate Troia, recently shared with DSC “that the Park District is proud to do what it can to preserve our natural nocturnal environment”.

Thank you Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Geneva and Naperville Park Districts!


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