UPDATE: Governor Pritzker Signs Outdoor Lighting Control Act!
SB3501, known as the Illinois Outdoor Lighting Control Act, the new statute will become effective on January 1, 2025.
The Act is one of the first state statutes in the country to address light pollution and, more significantly, light pollution caused by modern outdoor LED lighting.
Special thanks to Senator Laura Ellman who presented the bill to the Illinois Senate and to Congressperson Terra Costa-Howard who presented the bill to the Illinois House. And, thank you Governor Pritzker who signed into law the bill and many other laws that will improve our environment.
Illinois Senate and House passes SB3501, the Outdoor Lighting Control Act!
On May 24, 2024, the Illinois House passed the Outdoor Lighting Control Act after a unanimous vote in the State Senate. The Act will govern properties and structures owned and managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) effective January 1, 2025. If signed into law by Governor Pritzker, when the IDNR improves or replaces outdoor lighting, it will install responsible, fully shielded fixtures that reduce light trespass. The light will be wildlife friendly with a color temperature not more than 2700 Kelvin. Beyond the ecological and health benefits, this Act is a cost and energy savings benefit for the State. By reducing excessive, wasteful outdoor lighting and directing it just where it is needed, the IDNR can lead the nation in sound policy for protecting the night and all the residents of Illinois.
At its core, this is a sustainability act. In addition to preserving our natural nocturnal environment and mitigating harmful effects to wildlife, the Act will save taxpayers money.
The Act requires the use of LED technology which can us up to 90% less energy than older fixtures. LED lighting also requires less maintenance than older light sources. The IDNR manages and maintains 329 state-owned and leased state parks, fish and wildlife areas, state forests, state trails, natural areas and recreational sites within Illinois.
The Act will now proceed to the desk of Governor Pritzker. Very special thanks to Senator Laura Ellman and Representative Terra Costa Howard and their staffs. Special thanks to Senate sponsors Rachael Ventura, Willie Preston, Mary Edly-Allen and David Koehler and House sponsors Anna Moeller, Kelly Cassidy, Michelle Mussman and Diane Blair-Sherlock. The Congress of the State of Illinois has passed legislation intended to promote a more sustainable, environmentally friendly State. Please encourage Governor Pritzker to sign the Responsible Outdoor Lighting Control Act. Send your support for SB3501 to https://govillinois.gov/contact-us/voice-an-opinion.html
by Ken Walczak and Adam Kreuzer, Dark Sky Chicago.
DarkSky Delegate Ken Walczak with Senator Ellman after presenting to the Illinois Senate.