“Can Do” Solutions to Light Pollution
An exhibit funded and constructed by our friends from the Carol Stream Home Depot is now on display in the Education Room at SCARCE.
Earlier this year, Dark Sky Chicago founder Dave Barcus visited Kay McKeen at SCARCE. SCARCE’s mission is “Inspiring People Through Environmental Education” working to preserve and care for the Earth’s natural resources and helping to build sustainable communities.
SCARCE’s “Education Room” includes exhibits that demonstrate solutions to many environmental challenges. During his visit Kay, a long time advocate of dark-sky friendly lighting, invited Dave to construct an exhibit showing “Can Do” solutions to Light Pollution. Dave suggested an exhibit that shows examples of poor and good light fixtures and light bulbs.
Partnering with his local Home Depot in Carol Stream, Dave worked with manager Patrick and employees Sarah and Colin to fund and construct the exhibit. On September 1, 2023, the exhibit was put on display at SCARCE.
Left to Right: Dave Barcus of Dark Sky Chicago, SCARCE’s Founder Kay McKeen and Bev and Emily from SCARCE.
The display shows examples of worst to best fixture and bulb choices. From left to right, the top row displays a nasty unshielded fixture with a bright white 5000K LED, an unshielded fixture with a better dark-sky friendly amber 2100K bulb, and a best dark-sky friendly fully shielded fixture with a 2100K bulb. The bottom row displays a nasty “Dusk to Dawn” 5000K flood light, and a dark-sky friendly motion detection flood light.
Bev from SCARCE and Dave with Patrick’s team at Home Depot.